Winter Safety

In most parts of the U.S., snow is falling and the winter season is here. Winter can be a great time of year if you are prepared and keep safety in mind. These safety tips can help yourself, as well as your family, have a safe winter season.

When in the Office or on a Project Site

  • Be on the lookout for slippery surfaces such as snow and ice.
  • Take your time walking in from the parking lot. An incident is more likely to happen when you are in a rush.
  • Have an extra sweater or jacket in case you get cold in the office.
  • If you must use a portable heater; check with your safety department to ensure it has such features as anti-tip over and auto shut-off, just to name a few.
  • Report any icy spots in the parking lot and on walk paths.
  • Look out for trip hazards that could be hidden in the snow.
  • Walk your project site prior to the start of the day to identify potential hazards due to winter weather.

When Driving in Bad Weather Conditions

  • Slow down!
  • Double the distance between your car and the vehicle in front since it will take longer for the car to stop in these conditions.
  • Take your time. Accidents are more likely to happen if you are in a hurry to get to your destination. Plan your day accordingly, so you do not feel pressured to be in a rush.
  • In case you get stranded, carry warm blankets, a shovel, traction devices such as tire chains, signal flare, and a small amount of food and water.
  • Ensure that your vehicle’s windows and mirrors are clear of snow and ice.
  • If warming your vehicle before leaving, use a remote starter, or lock your doors, to prevent theft.

When at Home

  • If you have a wood-burning fireplace, have your chimney inspected prior to the start of the winter season.
  • Keep flammable objects away from sources of heat.
  • Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Insulate exterior faucets.
  • Have an emergency kit with a weeks’ worth of food, water, and any medications that are needed.
  • Have flashlights and candles ready in case there is a power loss.
  • Keep your driveway and walk paths clear of ice and snow.
  • Shut doors to unused areas to manage heat.
  • Use caution with electric heaters.