
Wildfires can happen anywhere! Whether caused by humans or nature, wildfires can start and spread very quickly. If a wildfire started near your home or in an area you are traveling, would you know what to do?


  • Make sure that any fire you are responsible for is extinguished when you
    leave that area (campfire, brush (leaf) fire, cigarette, etc.).
  • Sign up for your community’s warning system.
  • Know your community’s evacuation plans and find several ways to leave the area.
  • Gather emergency supplies.
  • Keep important documents in a fireproof (and waterproof), safe place.
  • Use fire-resistant materials to build, renovate, or make repairs.
  • Find an outdoor water source with a hose that can reach any area of your property.
  • Create a fire-resistant zone that is free of flammable materials for at least 30 feet from your home.
  • Review insurance coverage to make sure it is enough to replace your property. (Fire and flood.)
  • Have a full tank of fuel.
  • Be ready to leave in a moment’s notice.


  • Evacuate immediately if authorities tell you to do so.
  • If trapped, call 911 and give your location.
  • Listen to alerting systems for current emergency information and
  • Use an N95 respirator mask to keep from breathing in harmful particles.
  • If you are not ordered to evacuate but smoky conditions exist, stay inside in
    a safe location or go to a community building where smoke levels are
  • Never drive around a closure or barricade.


  • Listen to authorities to find out when it is safe to return, and whether water
    is safe to drink.
  • Avoid hot ash, charred trees, smoldering debris, and live embers.
  • Avoid damaged and downed utilities.
  • Send text messages or use social media to reach out to family and friends.
  • Make calls only in emergencies.
  • Document property damage with photographs.
  • Be aware. Wildfires change landscape and ground conditions, which can
    lead to increased risk of flooding.

This is a summary of wildfire safety. For more detailed information, please visit: https://www.ready.gov/wildfires