Why Take Safety Home?

Everyone must receive safety training for jobs performed at work. Most of us also receive additional safety training on a wide variety of subjects that serve to heighten our safety awareness on the job. On top of all that training are safety tips, messages, signs, slogans, and posters that serve as constant reminders to be safe while on the job. Statistics show that training and increased awareness are slowly making an impact, although last year over 4,000 people died and over 3 million were injured while at work.

So what does this have to do with taking safety home? First consider a couple of statistics by the National Safety Council (NSC) and you will start to believe you are safer at work than at home. Nine out of ten accidental deaths and 75% of accidental injuries occur while off the job. Staggering numbers! Injuries off the job also cause three times more days lost time from work, which further results in lost pay, higher medical bills, and longer recuperation. To not take safety home is obviously not a very good idea!

Everything you do and everywhere you go have elements of risk associated with it. Practice and teach on-the-job safety and hazard awareness training skills 24/7 and you will greatly reduce your chances of becoming another statistic. Taking safety home is good for you personally, good for your family and friends, good for business, and good for the overall economy. What are your reasons for taking safety home?
