We Need to Be a Zero to Be a Hero

It’s SSOE’s policy to provide employees, visitors, and contractors with a safe and healthy environment.

Safety is a core value at SSOE and is also a part of the mission and vision of SSOE. The vision of World Class People, Delivering World Class Projects for World Class Clients starts with a Safety Always Culture. Lastly, we have a Corporate goal of “0” lost time accidents. Safety is a big part of who SSOE really is and what we not only believe but what we should expect.

What do you expect?

Is “0” lost time accidents obtainable? The answer is simple, why not? Each of us allow ourselves to be exposed to a certain amount of risk during the day. People drive to work without wearing a seat belt. We ride motorcycles without helmets. We walk across the road without the crossing signal indicating such and simply expect people to stop for us. In reality, we do a lot of risky things every day. Those risks must be ok because very few people, if anyone, ever say anything differently. Let’s say you ask your teenage child to clean the gutters, and upon entering the backyard, you observe your 17-year-old son on a ladder about 12 feet off the ground. He is leaning to his right and holding on with one hand. Is that acceptable to you?

Maybe you are driving down the street and your spouse passes you while driving and texting. Is that ok for you? What if you blew a breaker in your kitchen and your father is observed in the basement with your energized electrical panel open and some tools in his hand about to switch out the bad breaker? Would you want someone to say something to all of these people about their lack of safety? What if it was you, would you want someone to say something to you, to keep you safe? So why don’t we say something to others when we see unsafe behaviors? SSOE’s vision of Safety Always must be adhered to at home, work, or play.

Tip: We all need to be a Safety Champion and be passionate about safety. 

If you are injured at home, what value can you possibly expect to provide to your client if you are not able to work? How will the work get finished? Who will handle the chores at home? How will the bills get paid? The Corporate goal of “0” is a must! It must be “0” because anything other than that says that it is ok for an accident to occur. Who will it be? What if the one accident that occurred was to you? It is unacceptable to think or believe that it is ok for any accident to occur. It is unacceptable to think or believe that anything other than “0” is ok! You and you alone are responsible for your own safety. No one can protect you better than you. We must drive to “0” and also require this from others. Together we can make a difference! YOU are your best asset for safety
and it is up to you to make a difference. You can teach an old dog new tricks, you can find a better mouse trap and there is always a better way to do it! Do
you believe?

At home, work or play, it’s Safety every day! Safety Always!