Tracking Your Training

The employer and employee both have requirements that must be met, so that all workers are safe at work. Training is one way to ensure that workers are able to recognize and avoid hazardous situations in the workplace. We all complete training
throughout the year for learning a skill, continuing education, licensure, operational requirements, and Safety. All of these trainings should be providing something to signify completion, in either a certificate or a card, to the employee. It is important to always receive a completion document so that the training can be proven, if ever challenged.

Employees should always keep the original of their completed training, but also submit a copy to their Human Resources Training Department. This allows for the employee to have a backup of their completed training certificate or card but also provides the employer with the documentation needed to prove training has been performed.

Steps to success:

  • Speak up if you do not know how to do something you’ve been asked to do.
  • Ask for training.
  • Complete the training in a timely manner.
  • Keep records of all of your training.
  • Submit a copy of your training records to your employer.
  • Monitor for expiration, changes in the requirements or even the training itself.
  • Have a mind-set to continually learn.

Safety is a high priority for the SSOE Group, our clients, and government agencies such as
OSHA. Training is provided to employees free of charge and can cover many different disciplines and topics. The human factor of safety involves providing a safe place to
work every day, where nobody gets injured or killed on the job. This is not just about compliance, but also about protecting each of our most valuable assets, our employees! The loses can be astounding. Liability is an area of concern when training cannot be verified or even produced upon request. This could be from a client, partner or regulatory request and failing to provide the requested training or not having the training complete can have disastrous results. Citations and litigation both can be
detrimental to a business.