Time Change and Safety

Daylight Saving Time has ended. Setting all the clocks, watches, and appliances to the new time is the easy part. The hardest part of ending Daylight Saving Time might be adjusting our “body clocks” to the time change. Studies have shown that it can take anywhere from a couple of days to a week for our bodies to adjust to the rapid change in time and daylight hours. So what does that have to do with safety?

The time change can leave us feeling tired and sluggish until our bodies adjust. There are studies that indicate an increase in traffic accidents and on the job injuries following the time change (with the spring change to Daylight Saving Time being more pronounced). Be on a heightened awareness to the changing light and weather
conditions around you.

Take time! “Take Two” minutes to decide on a Safe Plan of Action that
will eliminate the hazards.

Time Change To Do List:

  • Check all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors and replace the
  • Check and replace interior and exterior lighting.
  • Prepare disaster supply kit for home.
  • Prepare car for winter driving with emergency supply kit.
  • Be sure to check and recharge your fire extinguishers.
  • Check and discard expired medications.