Shanghai, China, April 10, 2012 – SSOE Group (www.ssoe.com), an international engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM) firm, along with General Motors (GM), is celebrating another significant safety milestone. One million hours have been worked with no recordable incidents during Phase 2 of construction of GM’s first Chinese Automotive Research and Development (R&D) facility, otherwise known as GM China’s Advanced Technical Center. The new facility, currently being constructed in Shanghai, reached its’ first milestone of 500,000 hours worked without a recordable accident just seven months ago, during construction of the Advanced Materials Laboratory Building, or Phase 1, which opened on September 21, 2011.
SSOE and GM were both represented during the celebration. President and Managing Director of the GM China Group, Kevin Wale, applauded the group noting, “This is truly a remarkable achievement – made possible only through the conscious effort each person put forth day in and day out to continuously review surroundings and look out for hazards on the job site before starting work. Safety is not just about numbers. It’s about protecting workers from injury. I want to congratulate the SSOE construction team and contractors on-site for managing the success of this project and for working with GM to support our safety program.”