“Social Distancing” Does Not Mean “Social Isolation”

In light of everything that is going on today with social distancing, we must stay connected now more than ever. It is imperative for our mental health to have a sense of community, togetherness, and emotional connections. 

Social distancing is intended to be defined as being social from a distance, and is not intended to be defined as avoiding being social all together. Perhaps a better term for social distancing is “physical distancing”. Let’s not forget that we are not necessarily “social distancing”, as its being called, but instead “physical distancing” to prevent the spread of the virus. Keeping physical space between yourself and others is one of the best tools that people have to avoid being exposed to this virus. We encourage everyone to interact with each other from a distance, reach out to clients, call loved ones, and hold virtual get-togethers. We may be stuck in the house, but there are so many ways for us to reach out and connect with others. Doing this helps us regain perspectives on our connectedness.

Ways to be social:

  • Skype.
  • Zoom.
  • WebEx.
  • FaceTime.
  • Verbal conversation from a 6 ft. distance.

People are inherently social in general and need companionship and contact. According to a study of scientists, social isolation can increase health risks itself, so the key is moderation. Social distancing can also lead to loneliness and depression, as well as increased anxiety. If you are having such feelings, there are things you can do to help mitigate them. Keep in mind that this is only temporary.

Ways to cope with social distancing concerns:

  • Limit the news that can cause you to think more frequently about being isolated or distanced.
  • Stick with a daily routine. It helps to keep regular activities in check.
  • Virtually connect with others.
  • Eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and try not to stay up late.
  • Keep positive and try to avoid being negative.
  • Relax. Try deep breathing, yoga, or even a walk outside.

For more information, see this article.