When the stakes are high, we critically assess down to every detail.

At SSOE, we don’t just evaluate sites, we orchestrate success. Here’s how we do it: Our experts begin every site evaluation by forging a strong relationship with our client, using our understanding of their business goals and vision for the future as our compass. This collaborative approach puts us in a position to determine the “must haves” versus the “nice-to-haves” for each site. Armed with our extensive network of relationships with state and local governments, we navigate the intricate landscape of available sites worldwide. Our knowledge extends beyond borders, ensuring that we consider opportunities beyond your home turf.

Unlike other firms, we take a panoramic view.

Our evaluation process delves deep into environmental conditions, soil quality, transportation access, utility infrastructure, and more. We leave no stone unturned, uncovering hidden gems and anticipating challenges. With our rich experience in design and construction oversight, we bring invaluable insights to the table. We’ve seen it all—unexpected site complexities, unique facility requirements, and global nuances.

Our expertise ensures that you’re well-prepared for success.

We specialize in guiding clients through the intricacies of evaluating sites outside their country of origin. No matter where you plan to locate, you can trust SSOE to be your unwavering advocate.

Site Evaluation Services

We consider factors that other firms may not — factors that can reduce your time, cost, and risk.

Expertise in: 

  • Feasibility studies
  • Implementation and phasing studies
  • Master planning 
  • Public infrastructure assessments
  • Site evaluation services
    • Layout
    • Earthworks analysis
    • Stormwater management 
  • Site planning and development

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