School Safety

You feel it in the air. Labor Day has passed, leaves are starting to turn, days are getting cooler, and pumpkin spice is taking over the coffee shops. Fall is here, which also means school is back in session. Each school year 23.5 million children return to school nation-wide. During this time, school children are most at risk for injury when approaching or leaving the school bus and within school zones. Help make this school year safer for everyone by following these safety tips:

School safety tips for parents:

  • Children should only walk to a bus stop or school alone if they are old enough and ready to make the walk safely which isn’t typically until they are at least 10 years old.
  • Plan and practice a safe walking route with your child until they know it well.
  • Use streets with sidewalks, crosswalks and crossing guards if possible.
  • Teach your kids to stand, at a minimum, three giant steps from the curb and board one at a time using the handrail when getting on and off the bus.
  • Teach your kids to wait until the school bus completely stops before getting off, and always walk in front of the bus, not behind.
  • Teach them to look both ways before crossing the street.
  • Teach your child the importance of behaving on the bus – any disruption can cause the bus driver to become distracted and could result in a crash.

School safety tips for drivers:

  • When backing out of a driveway or leaving a garage, watch out for children walking or bicycling to school.
  • When driving in neighborhoods with school zones, be alert as children are often unpredictable and tend to ignore hazards.
  • Slow down. Watch for children walking in the street, especially if there are not sidewalks in the neighborhood.
  • Watch for children playing and congregating near bus stops.
  • Be alert. Children arriving late for the bus may dart into the street without looking for traffic.
  • Always stop for a school patrol officer or crossing guard holding a stop sign.

It is recommended that you take a moment to refresh yourself on the school bus stopping laws in your state: drive safely.

Please visit lane restriction rules in your state.

Be safe and enjoy the school year.
Safety Scott says, “Safety Always!”