Safety Rules: Why They Exist

Who is responsible for the creation of safety rules?

It was the guy we’ve all heard about who cut off two of his fingers after he removed the guard on a saw. He was helped by the machinist who didn’t have the time to go back to the lunch room for safety glasses and lost an eye when the bit broke in the drill press. They both got advice from a co-worker who had his head split open by a falling hammer because he “just plain didn’t like to wear hard hats.”

Why write the rules?

EACH AND EVERY SAFETY RULE CAME ABOUT BECAUSE SOMEONE WAS HURT, MAIMED – OR KILLED. Their misfortune contributed to our knowledge of how accidents happen; and how to prevent them. Rules are created in order to help avoid similar accidents or injuries.

Who is protected by these rules?

You. Your safety practices help you avoid life altering accidents, including death and dismemberment. Your company. Investing in employee safety ensures that your company will have employees to drive the success of the business. No employees; no business. Your company provides the tools, equipment, and conditions that will help employees do their best, while providing an overall safe place to work. In return, the company expects that employees will follow work and safety rules, and the Governmental standards that must legally be followed.

Employee Benefits:

  • Healthy, happy employees
  • Lower cost employee premiums
  • Increased profit sharing
  • Increased jobs, more work
  • Job security at work
  • Increased profits

Employer Benefits:

  • Reduced fatalities, injuries
  • Lower insurance costs
  • Improved competitive edge
  • Positive customer relations
  • Longevity in business
  • Lower operating costs
