Safety Agent 007

Safety starts with an attitude that you will do every task in a way that will eliminate hazards and the potential for injury. Thousands of workplace injuries occur every year, and even more injuries happen on the commute to and from work, and home. The potential for injury is always there, no matter how simple, complex, or often you have done that task.

Incidents: eliminate any environment that allows potential safety incidents to occur. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Know how to recognize unsafe conditions and take immediate action to correct and report them. Immediately clean up spills and remove any trip hazards. Near Miss reporting is an important part of eliminating conditions that have the potential to cause injury. The Near Miss that you report today may prevent injury to you or a co-worker tomorrow.

Injuries: take action to eliminate hazardous conditions that could cause injuries. Focus your attention on the job at hand. Do you have the necessary PPE? The right tools for the job? Do you have the expertise and training? Are you the right person to safely complete the task? Do you need help to lift or move equipment? Are you well rested before taking on that difficult task or making that long drive? Have you completed a Safe Plan of Action (SPA) for the work?

7 Days per Week: safety never sleeps or stops to rest. You must be actively engaged to eliminate the incidents and hazards. Most accidents and injuries can be prevented with proper training and awareness of your surroundings at all times.

Protect yourself and those around you by being a Safety Agent 007. Failure is not an option!
