Reducing the Stress at Work

Reduce stress when working from home by stepping away from what you are doing from time to time. You don’t need to be tied to your computer. Sure, we need to get our work finished and it is important, but it doesn’t have to cause you grief either. Mix it up a bit, move around, stand up, reposition, move to another location, do a quick exercise, or even work from the back patio. Whatever you can do to keep engaged in your work, break up the stress, and minimize the monotony.

Close your eyes for a couple of minutes and learn to relax. Yoga and some simple breathing techniques can help relieve tension or frustration if you are having a bad day.

Take the stairs, if you have them in your home, a couple of times up and down to get the blood flowing. Simple movements like air squats, sit-ups, pushups, lunges, and scissor kicks can also help get the blood flowing while helping to improve overall health.

Call a friend, a co-worker, or a neighbor and have a non-work conversation. Do a Skype, Teams, or other video chat to “see” other people. This helps with eliminating a sense of claustrophobia or aloneness that could build up while working from home and alone.

Be easy on yourself and realize that it is going to be ok and that you are going through the same things as everyone else. Everyone deals with stress and anxiety differently and we are all experiencing some level of these. If you are truly struggling and need some help, reach out to the Employee Assistance Progam (EAP), a trusted friend, or even a crisis line, but get help. Remember, it is ok to ask for help. Sometimes, we just need to get something off the chest and that is ok. You are not alone!

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