Tony Sabat, BIM / CAD Technical Specialist at SSOE, explains in this article featured on the SPAR 3D blog how the rise of reality capture has opened up the market to more inexpensive, easier-to-use hardware, resulting in many new professionals using a technology with which they are unfamiliar. This is where the issue of marketing tactics comes in, as users heavily relay on the accuracy claims—more specifically, the percentage of accuracy statements made by the manufacturer. Tony goes on to explain how these numbers can be misleading and the importance of educating yourself before making a purchase.
One of several certified drone pilots on staff at SSOE, Tony specializes in reality capture, virtual reality workflows, and integrated infrastructure solutions and is well versed in numerous drone applications. He recently attended the SPAR 3D and AEC Next Conference in Anaheim, California—an international event for the application of 3D technology in the AEC industry.
To read the full article, click here.