Ken Gruenhagen, PE, PMP, Division Manager in SSOE’s Food and Consumer Products Division, is featured in a recent issue of Food Engineering. The article explains the importance of food processors evaluating what they need, both now and in the future, to ensure each part of their line will enable them to meet current and future sustainability goals.
Within, Ken discusses the importance of making a proper investment in training to support newer technology. If the company fails to do this, the time required to diagnose and address issues can quickly negate the improved efficiencies that the more complex equipment provides. Additionally, he emphasizes the significance of ease of changeover between products—as a result of a discontinued product or modification, shorter production runs, or a change in packaging—must be considered as it has a large impact on line availability.
Ken is an expert in the management of projects within the food industry. Some of his responsibilities include project scope development and planning, as well as cost control, monitoring progress and quality. His experience extends from appropriation development through commissioning.
To read the full article, click here.