Evan Baker of SSOE Group was recently published in Data Center Journal. Baker, who currently manages the data / fire / security systems group at SSOE and brings over a decade of data center experience to the table, offers his data center reliability know-how in his article “Case Study: Out-of-the-Box Reliability.” Baker highlights three projects in three different market sectors for which SSOE provided data center design and connectivity services. One thing that was static among the differing projects was cost reduction as a result of improved reliability and functionality achieved by variation in data connectivity via integrated voice-data networks and new technologies.
Baker begins his feature with a project that involved planning a new R&D facility for a major automotive manufacturer. One natural disaster or system failure could’ve meant years of research and testing data (and millions of dollars) down the drain. Needless to say, reliability was mission critical. Baker describes the thought process employed by the SSOE team that lead to a more efficient design, which ultimately became the automaker’s corporate standard for data facilities.
Baker also recounts the winning solution recommended to a large healthcare system that needed to interconnect its clinical facilities and transfer large files, while also maintaining HIPAA compliance. The third and final project outlined was for a trans-American oil transport company looking to implement a second data center in a geographic region different from its primary data center. On all three projects, reliability was the focus and the SSOE team’s proficiency in MAN and WAN architecture, as well as facility design, delivered smart, dependable solutions that saved our clients time, trouble, and money.
To read the full article, click here.