Proper Work Station Adjustments for Home and Office

Poor posture and equipment placement can negatively impact your health. There is no single “correct” posture or arrangement of office components that will fit everyone.
Setting up your workstation properly will help prevent injuries and the potential for strains, sprains, or pains.

As you are working ask yourself: Is my work area set up as demonstrated? Am I noticing any new strains or pains?

Below are some tips for setting up an ergonomic workstation.
• Hands, wrists, and forearms are straight, in-line, and roughly parallel to the floor.
• Head is level, or bent slightly forward, facing forward, and balanced. Generally, it is in line with the torso.
• Shoulders are relaxed and upper arms hang normally at the side of the body.
• Elbows stay close to the body and are bent between 90 and 120 degrees.
• Feet are fully supported by the floor or a footrest.
• The back is fully supported with appropriate lumbar support when sitting vertical or leaning back slightly.
• Thighs and hips are supported by a well-padded seat, generally parallel to the floor.
• Knees are about the same height as the hips with the feet slightly forward. Just move: Consider a lunchtime walk. Getting out during the day has a positive impact on your productivity. Sometimes a change of scene can help break the deadlock in certain types of work. Walk up and down the stairs or get the mail, but move.