Larimer Athletic Complex Master Planning
The University of Toledo
Projects > Larimer Athletic Complex Master Planning
The University of Toledo
SSOE was tasked with renovating the existing football team facility (the Larimer Athletic Complex is a two-story, 32,000 GSF facility that was constructed in 1990) to create a more functional facility for the coaches and players alike. SSOE’s approach was to carefully place additions around the facility that would not only increase the size of the facility but aid in creating a new aesthetic. This aesthetic would enrich the facility from its two halves – athletic and academic, and assist in recruiting efforts.
The new weight room and office spaces required additional HVAC design. Heating and cooling of the existing and new areas were not from the existing chiller and boiler systems in the building, but rather from the campus site utilities. Therefore, the mechanical room became the point of interface of the campus chilled water primary / secondary system, tying into the building tertiary chilled water system. Additionally, the campus steam and condensate system fed a new steam to hot water heat exchange, utilizing a condensate receiver and motive (steam pressure-powered) pump.
Entry to the facility is through a new arched stone tower and display lobby with a grand staircase and memorabilia displays. History walls, graphics, and physical memorabilia are displayed throughout the renovated facility. The displays are architectural features with rich materials and interesting lighting that present recruits, families of recruits, and current players with a rich heritage of Rocket Football highlights.
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