Toledo, OH, July 10, 2012 – SSOE Group (www.ssoe.com), a global engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM) firm, is proud to announce that their Jesup W. Scott High School Renovation project has been awarded Heritage Ohio’s annual award for Best Public / Private Partnership. The award recognizes “top achievements in preservation and revitalization” across Ohio communities.
SSOE, as a member of Allied Toledo Architects, worked in conjunction with Toledo Public Schools (TPS) and The Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) to perform the building renovation for this 1913 facility. SSOE set out to accomplish five primary objectives on this project: preserve the historic landmark in the Old West End of Toledo, recreate a modern school in a timeless structure, maintain TPS traditions in a building that has served as a teaching environment for nearly a century, employ sustainable practices to meet or exceed LEED® Silver certification requirements, and transform Jesup W. Scott High School back to its original grandeur.
SSOE performed design and engineering services for this $42 million building renovation, choosing to focus on the use of current technology to enhance the building’s original features. The upgrade included a replacement of damaged exterior building materials, installation of energy efficient windows, and lighting concepts to reflect period design and maximization of natural light through the reclamation of original skylights and high ceilings. New HVAC, electrical, security, and technology systems were rerouted throughout the building and the school’s media center and classrooms were given a 21st century upgrade. SSOE functioned as the Project Team Administrator for the 284,000 SF building renovation. Representatives from TPS, the OSFC, and SSOE accepted the honor at the Ohio Heritage Annual Awards Luncheon during the Revitalization and Preservation Conference held in Toledo, Ohio this past May.
For additional information on the 2012 Heritage Ohio awards visit: www.heritageohio.org/annual-awards.