TOLEDO, Ohio – March 4, 2025 – SSOE Group, an internationally ranked architecture and engineering firm headquartered in Ohio for more than 75 years, is proud to announce its participation in the 7th annual Northwest Ohio National TRIO Day event. Vince DiPofi, PE, CEO of SSOE since 2019 and a history with the firm that exceeds 20 years, delivered an impactful keynote celebrating the legacy and future of the TRIO programs.
The event, under the theme “60 Years of TRIO: Celebrating Legacy, Creating Our Own,” took place at Owens Community College on Saturday, March 1, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. EST, though Owens, Bowling Green State University, the University of Toledo, Lourdes University, and Northwest State Community College were all featured—and notably, all legacy clients of SSOE. All 11 TRIO programs in Northwest Ohio were represented.
In his speech, DiPofi highlighted the importance of TRIO programs in empowering young people and adults, often working against life’s challenges to achieve their full potential. Because he wanted to be particularly encouraging, DiPofi candidly shared his own journey to becoming a mechanical engineer against the odds, and ultimately a CEO, and some of the challenges and accountability he had to face and overcome.
DiPofi reiterated the value of TRIO’s programs in his speech, saying, “TRIO ensures that any student is able to not only able to navigate the education system but thrive in it. By offering motivation and support, TRIO empowers students to achieve their full potential and succeed in their academic journeys.”
After the event, DiPofi commented, “During the Q&A session, one young woman bravely shared what she was being challenged with and sought my advice, likely a result of my transparency in sharing some of my own struggles. It was one of the highlights of the event for me because I felt like I made an immediate impact—like I could see her see her own future again.”
DiPofi was featured in a Toledo Blade article, a leading local news outlet, later that day. Read it here.
Investing in Potential
SSOE has a long history of supporting education and community initiatives. Under DiPofi’s tenure alone, the firm has contributed to more than 150 educational programs benefiting students of all ages and backgrounds, including programs exposing students to STEM. Just weeks ago, the firm announced the launch of the SSOE Foundation, a strategic partnership with the Greater Toledo Community Foundation to expand its charitable impact.
These initiatives reflect SSOE’s commitment to giving back, supporting the next generation of leaders and the future, and elevating our communities—as well as DiPofi’s love of surprises. Toward the end of his Saturday morning speech commemorating 60 years of TRIO, DiPofi announced a surprise contribution to the Northwest Ohio program. “I’m proud to announce the creation of five annual $1,000 scholarships for Northwest Ohio TRIO students. Together, we can build a brighter future for everyone.” When talking about SSOE’s legacy of giving back, DiPofi reiterated, “It’s not just talk; we back it up with our actions, contributions, and volunteer hours.”
Candice Harrison, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the firm, attended the event as well and shared, “TRIO students are some of the most talented in our community. Vince’s inspiring story of perseverance was the perfect message for students preparing for the next level. I was most proud of his commitment to supporting their future through scholarships. This speaks volumes about Vince’s leadership and commitment to the future of our youth.”
About TRIO Programs & National TRIO Day
TRIO programs are federally funded programs through the U.S. Department of Education and are educational opportunity outreach programs designed to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Northwest Ohio hosts 11 TRIO programs at five local institutions of higher education. These programs are the catalyst for educational post-secondary attainment for first-generation and low-income individuals in the area.
On February 24, 1986, a congressional resolution (H. Con. Res. 278) declared that Saturday, February 28, 1986, should be designated as “National TRIO Day” to commemorate the annual achievements of the Federal TRIO programs in communities across the country.
Every year since then, our community has reserved the fourth Saturday in February as National TRIO Day—an opportunity to focus the nation’s “attention on the needs of disadvantaged young people and adults aspiring to improve their lives if they are to become contributing citizens of the country, and to the talent which will be wasted if that investment is not made.”