NASHVILLE, TN – SSOE, Inc., Architects-Engineers (SSOE), an international design firm, today announced the appointment of Bob McCain, PE, to serve as Division Manager of Nashville operations and David Verner, AIA, to serve as Manager of Commercial and Institutional Operations.
Bob McCain, PE, will assume the Nashville leadership role from David Verner, AIA, who has served in that position for the past nine years. Mr. Verner, Senior Vice President with SSOE, will be broadening his focus to cultivate additional business in the Southeast region and expand his efforts to include national and international growth opportunities.
Mr. McCain has been with SSOE for over nine years. As a native Tennessean, he will be returning to his southern roots, transferring from our Toledo, Ohio, office where he served as Mechanical Department Manager. Bob is an active member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, serving as President of the local Toledo, Ohio chapter this past year. Bob is also an active participant with the University of Toledo Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department serving on their Industrial Advisory Board. Mr. McCain holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Christian Brothers University in Memphis, Tennessee, and is a licensed engineer in nine states.
“The enormous growth in the U.S. marketplace and abroad complements professional services and industries that SSOE currently serves,” stated David Verner, AIA, “With our explosive growth over the past five years, including new office openings in Phoenix, AZ, Washington DC, St. Paul, MN, Midland, MI, Chicago, IL and China, SSOE has become a firm that transcends international borders.” Bob McCain’s appointment to Nashville Division Manager will strengthen our firm locally and globally and provide myself an opportunity to focus on SSOE’s continued success,” stated Mr. Verner.