Practicing Job Safety Is A Requirement

Do you take chances at home, work, or play? Have you ever cut corners and done something at risk? Are you a gambler and willing to take chances?

Safety policies and procedures are not suggestions. It is mandatory to follow all safety procedures at all times – no exceptions! No one can protect you more than YOURSELF and you must follow the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures so that you are not exposed to a dangerous situation. Claiming ignorance is not an admissible defense. For Safety’s Sake, Do Something to prevent an incident or injury from occurring.

It is required that:

  • Safe work practices are reaffirmed at every level, from pre-task planning, working throughout the day, and after work is completed.
  • All tools (power tools, hand tools, electrical devices, welders, welding leads, extension cords, ladders, etc.) are to be inspected each day to ensure they are in proper working order. If they are suspect, take them out of service immediately and replace them.
  • No employee will perform a task in which they are not trained. EVER.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about your safety, please contact your manager or the Safety Department. Never take chances and know that your family and friends want you safe. Safety Always!

For Safety’s Sake, DO SOMETHING to prevent a dangerous situation from happening.

Think about your daily responsibilities and the people who are counting on you to come home safely. Working safe is a very small price to pay for being able to improve and maintain your lifestyle. There is no job that is worth the risk of injury.