PASSword to Fire Safety

Portable fire extinguishers can help save lives and reduce property damage from small fires. In case of a fire, first sound the alarm or call 911. Remember — You should never attempt to extinguish any fire if there is a threat to your personal safety. If the fire is small and there is no heavy smoke present AND you have an escape exit available, it may be safe to use an appropriate extinguisher for that class of fire.

Portable fire extinguishers only have a limited time of operation between 8 to 15 seconds so it is very important that you have the training and knowledge on how to use it effectively. When using a fire extinguisher be sure to hold the unit upright and use the following “PASS” procedure:

P – Pull the pin located on the extinguisher’s handle.
A – Aim the extinguisher nozzle toward the base of the flames.
S – Squeeze or press the handle.
S — Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it is out.
