Mindsets That Can Cause Safety Traps

Everyone can agree that safety is a necessary part of the workplace. Did you know a large part of the safety culture depends on employee attitudes and mindsets? Below we will look at some mindsets to be aware of:

Rushing – The most frequent mindset that can lead to injury. Employees can feel pressure to complete tasks as quickly as possible, which can lead to mistakes. Rushing reduces quality and increases the chances of not accessing all the hazards properly and missing critical safety steps.

  • Did you know that accidents are known to be more frequent on Fridays, with jobs that are behind schedule, and before holiday weekends? This is due to employees rushing to complete the work. It is critical to remind employees that working safely is the number one priority, even if it means a deadline is being missed.

Complacency – A very dangerous mindset that is likely to result in injury. This mindset leads employees to become used to the inherent hazards around them, leading them to no longer be perceived as a hazard. Sometimes we perform a task so often, it is like we are on autopilot. This can be a dangerous situation because of the comfort that we have doing the task. Ask yourself if you are doing the task correctly or if you are missing anything that could expose you to risk.

Frustration – A mindset that almost everybody experiences at some point on the job. It is important to recognize this feeling and take the steps to manage it. Things that can cause frustration include poor work procedures, poor communication, and insufficient instructions. If you are feeling frustrated at work, take a break to breathe, seek out clarity, and communicate. Think about why you feel this way and how it could be avoided in the future. Try to be positive. Being negative will only add to the frustration of yourself and everyone around you.

Fatigue – This mindset reduces performance and significantly increases the likelihood of injury. It is important for management to identify when an employee is feeling fatigued and to act before injury occurs. It is also important for employees to communicate such feelings as well. Help yourself by getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of water.