Emergency Preparedness

Many people are concerned about the possibility of a public health emergency such as a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or disease outbreak. You can take steps now to help you prepare for an emergency and cope if an emergency happens. To help you prepare, we’ve provided step-by-step actions you can take beforehand to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Prepare A Kit (Plan for at least a three day supply)

  • Food and water: one gallon of water per person per day, foods that won’t spoil, can opener, and basic utensils.
  • Health supplies: medicines, medical supplies.
  • Personal care items: soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, baby wipes, etc.
  • Safety supplies: first aid kit, emergency blanket, multipurpose tool (that can act as a knife, file, pliers, and screwdriver), and whistle.
  • Electronics: flashlight, radio (battery-powered, solar, or hand-crank), cell phone with chargers, and extra batteries.
  • Misc: map, cash, keys, and copies of important documents.
  • Children supplies: bottles, formula, baby food, diapers, games and activities.
  • Pets supplies: food, water, litter box, cleaning supplies, transport supplies, toys.

NOTE: Check and replace your supplies throughout the year to keep it fresh. Know Your House: Find out where your gas, electric, and water shut-off locations are, and how to turn them off. Prepare For Everywhere: Emergencies can happen anywhere. Remember to prepare supplies for home, work, and vehicles.

Make A Plan

Family communication plan. Know emergency phone numbers. Make sure everyone in the family knows how to text. Text messages may go through even when phone lines are busy.

Family disaster plan. Know the types of emergencies in your area, what the warning signs are, and where to seek shelter. Find the safe spots in your home for each type of disaster. Determine the best escape routes from your home. Review these plans with all members of your family. Practice your disaster plans by running drills with the whole family.

Be Informed
Check with your local emergency management agency to find out what kinds of emergencies could happen in your area. Then: Find out how to get local emergency alerts. Check with your local health department or emergency management agency to see how they share emergency information.

The National Weather Service (NWS) issues severe weather watches, warnings and advisories to alert the public when dangerous weather conditions are expected in the US. Do you know what each of them means?

Watch – A weather watch means there is the potential or conditions exist for a dangerous weather event.

Warning – A weather warning means that a dangerous weather event is imminent. Immediate action must be taken to protect life and property.

Advisory – A weather advisory means weather conditions that are less serious than a warning are imminent. These events may cause a significant inconvenience, and if caution is not exercised, it could lead to a situation that may be threatening to life and property.

The preceding information is brought to you from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

You can also find additional information at https://www.ready.gov