Electric Shock Drowning

Electric Shock Drowning happens more than we know about.

This is only a small portion of what you need to know. Please visit the websites below for more information. Be empowered, not electrocuted!

Electric Shock Drowning (ESD) happens when electricity from a dock, boat, pool, hot tub, or marina seeps into the water and electrifies it. Every year ESD claims the lives of unsuspecting victims, however it is truly unknown how many drowning deaths are due to electric shock.


  • Never swim within at least 50 yards of a fresh water
    marina or boatyard.
  • Boat owners should have their boat tested to see if it is
    leaking electricity.

Helping a victim:

  • Reach for them, throw them a life line, row out to them and
    pull them into your boat, but NEVER go into the water after
    them (or you will become a victim, too).
  • After you get them out of the water call 911 and perform
    CPR until help arrives.

Alert – There is no visible warning or way to tell if water surrounding a boat, marina, or dock is energized or will become energized with fatal levels of electricity. If you are in the water and feel a tingling sensation, try to swim away from anything that could possibly be energized.

If you spend ANY amount of time at a marina, on a boat, or at a location where there is electricity close to a fresh water source, PLEASE learn more about Electric Shock Drowning prevention at these websites.

Electric Shock Drowning Prevention Association http://www.electricshockdrowning.org/

ESFi https://www.esfi.org/resource/electric-shock-drowning-unknown-danger-lurking-in-the-water-572