Crisis Communication Plan

If an emergency occurs, the need to communicate is immediate. An important component of the preparedness program is the Crisis Communication Plan. A Crisis Communication Plan is an established set of guidelines on how to communicate with employees, clients, and the media. Adhering to the plan protects the company and employees, and effectively allows the situation to be contained.


When an incident occurs, employees and first responders will be notified to take
appropriate action to ensure that everyone is safe and accounted for. Your employer
maintains a current list of emergency, safety, and facilities personnel. Employees should be aware of how to access this plan or whom to contact for that information. Employees should defer all outside communication to their authorized spokesperson(s) and not text or send pictures regarding the event in the social media outlets.


A Crisis Communication Plan includes action items for protecting company data and
information. Your company should backup information at a secure location off site
(computer backups, employee records, banking, insurance, vendor and supplier
information, and intellectual property).


During or shortly after an emergency occurs, the need for outside communication can be immediate and vital. The plan should identify who within your company is best able to communicate with the different outside sources (first responders, media, community
members). In many cases, the media may be alerted to the situation before all of the facts can be determined. The image of the business can be positively or negatively impacted by public perceptions of the handling of the incident.