Building Security: As Strong As Its Weakest Link

Most of us spend a significant amount of time at work, rarely thinking about the precautionary measures in place to create our secure environment. Companies develop policies, programs, and committees to keep their employees and property safe. The primary security risks are theft, vandalism, and violence (random or targeted).

While your company has taken action to create a safe working environment, each employee still needs to do their part. Know your company’s building security policies and what actions to take if there is an incident.

Be vigilant!

  • Do not let any unauthorized persons into your building (strangers or ex-employees).
  • Make sure that external doors are latched behind you when coming and going.
  • Report suspicious behavior.
  • Report unattended briefcases or packages in or around the building.
  • Report any damage you may see to the building (especially doors, security cameras, lights, and windows).
  • Report an area / aspect of your building that you feel may be easily breached.