Be Cool – Have a Safe Swim!

Swimming and other water related activities offer excellent ways to exercise, relax, and have fun. Millions of people enjoy oceans, lakes, rivers, pools, and spas throughout the year. Swimming is the 3rd most popular leisure activity in the U.S. and the most popular activity for children. Drowning accidents can happen quickly and they are highly preventable if you use the right safety precautions. There are things that we can do that will help to provide the protection that will allow everybody to safely enjoy our time in the water.

Learn to swim: Recreation centers, the local YMCA, swimming pools, and swim clubs all offer opportunities to learn how to swim. If you already swim, brush up on your skills and build endurance. Learn CPR.

Ocean swimming: Find a beach that has a lifeguard – your chance of drowning is five times greater at a beach with no lifeguard. Stay within boundaries and follow beach rules and warnings.

Swimming pools: Survey the pool and note the water depth before entering. Know the pool rules. Children should always have adult supervision and wear flotation devices if they are not good swimmers.

Water parks: Carefully consider each attraction to be sure that it is age appropriate and that each person is capable of safely handling it. Follow the park rules. Shower first and practice good hygiene.

Lakes and streams: Never assume to know the depth of a river or lake because it could be shallower than you expect. Never dive in unless you are positive of the depth. Avoid swimming in fast moving currents. Protect your feet from sharp objects and stay away from weedy areas.

Last word: Protect yourself from Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs) with additional safety tips from web sites listed below. Many beaches are monitored for water quality and environmental conditions – check before you go. Avoid alcohol. Never swim alone! Even adults should use the
buddy system! Stop when you start to get tired or sore! Have fun!
