Are You Committed to Safety?

Are you a gambler? Are you willing to risk it all? Do you “knowingly” commit unsafe acts or risky behaviors? Who loses the most? Who is affected by YOUR actions? Will you say

We all take risks on the job, at home, or even on vacation, but the consequences can be the same. The personal injury, financial burden, business impact, tarnished image, work delays, and even death are all a reality when we are unsafe. We are in the midst of
a culture shift where we want everyone to be responsible for not just their own safety, but also the safety of those around them. With all of this in mind, people need to remove unsafe situations and bad behaviors so that we all go home safe.

We must motivate employees to be safer on their own and can’t force or monitor them around the clock. Engaging employees in safety means not only creating awareness of what to do, but also why it’s important to them. Safety discussions must go beyond
numbers, accident reports, and checklists – what’s really at stake are the lives of individuals. Maybe it is a coworker, a friend, a stranger, or even a family member exposed to risk. We have an obligation to, not just protect ourselves but, to protect others. This is the culture we want, not only for ourselves but for our partners and our clients! Take the commitment and make a difference for someone’s son or daughter.

One way to impact your own personal safety is to make a commitment.
So what is commitment? It is defined as:
• An agreement or pledge to do something in the future.
• Something pledged.
• The state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled.

The true purpose is to help you understand the consequences and to strive to be safer at work, home, and play.

Show your commitment to safety by printing, signing, and posting the certificate on the next page.

To learn more about safety training, safety knowledge, or safety issues visit:
Safety Council of Northwest Ohio at
National Safety Council website at

For Safety’s Sake – Do Something
Prevent a bad situation from occurring and SAVE someone!!