A New Year – A New Year

Making Those New Year’s Resolutions? They often include health, finances, safety, and career.

Don’t make too many resolutions. Pick a realistic, attainable goal with a reasonable time frame.

Choose your own resolution. Make sure your goal is something that you want to accomplish for yourself and not just for friends or family.

Make a plan and write it down. Plan what you’d like to accomplish in a certain period of time, like three months. Achieving small goals over time gives you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going. Writing your goals down is a good way to keep track of your progress.

Involve friends and family. They can support your efforts, and can motivate you to keep going.

If you get off track, forgive yourself. Review your plan and make adjustments.

Congratulate yourself. Reward yourself when your intermediate goals or resolutions are met.

Safety Goals

  • Learn something new
  • Ask questions
  • Communicate with others
  • Be observant always
  • Eliminate risk
  • Be a Safety Champion

For more info, visit: http://dhhs.ne.gov/publichealth/Documents/Tips_NewYear.pdf