Turning Back the Hands of Time

It’s that time of year again! Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 am on Sunday, November 4, 2012. Take this opportunity to address items that will help ensure your safety during the fall and winter months.

Take time to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Check the age of your detectors, because it is recommended to replace smoke alarms that are over 10 years old and to replace carbon monoxide detectors that are over 5 years old. While you have the ladder out changing batteries, this is a good time to check and replace lights as well.

Prepare a disaster supply kit for your house (water, food, batteries, and blankets) to prepare for winter storms and power outages. If you already have an emergency kit or supplies, double check the contents for expiration dates and replace old batteries with fresh ones.

For winter driving you should have an emergency supply kit in your car as well. Even a minor car problem or breakdown during the winter can be deadly, so make preparations with the thought that an emergency WILL happen. Have your car checked and maintained to prepare for winter and remember that the time change will affect the light conditions you are used to driving in. Pedestrians and bicyclists will not be as visible with the increased darkness. Note that deer are more active this time of year as well.
